The Realization

AAFES (The Army Air Force Exchange Service) is not a store for everyone, although by design it is supposed to be. It is only a store for adults who do not mind being bombarded with sexually explicit slogans and images throughout the store. Additionally, AAFES has no policy that prevents children from purchasing CDs with explicit lyrics, movies that are rated R (Restricted), and or video games that are rated M (Mature). Because of this, we are asking AAFES to incorporate policies that are very similar to what Wal-Mart has already put in place. We call this standard "the Wal-Mart Standard". In time, we hope that AAFES rises to the challenge and adopts this standard as the norm so that children and principled adults can shop for supplies in a family-friendly environment.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help AAFES make sensible changes to its current policies that result in every AAFES establishment becoming family-friendly.

A Call to AAFES

1. Incorporate a pro-family stance into the AAFES Mission Statement reflecting the values of the people AAFES serves - military families.

2. Develop, publish, and implement a family-friendly policy. The following must be included in this policy:

2a. Stop selling all pornography (e.g. Playboy) and publications that appeal to prurient interest (e.g. Maxim, FHM, Stuff, Cosmopolitan, Heavy Metal).

2b. Do not position any publications that might be interpreted as offensive in areas where the customer is a captive audience (e.g. checkout aisle, store entrance, restroom hallway).

2c. Stop selling all music labeled "Explicit Lyrics".

2d. Post a sign clearly visible at each register and enforce a policy that states no rated "M for Mature" games and "R for Restricted" movies will be sold to anyone less than 18 years of age.

Contact AAFES

Anyone can call (1-800-527-6790) or email them at You can also fill out an online comment form if you are in the military. They always send a response, so let them know what you think about this important issue!

Friday, December 01, 2006

The Effects of Video Games: A No-Brainer?

Taken from

Parents may not be the only ones with a violent reaction to video games. A new study from the Indiana University School of Medicine monitored brain activity in children with no history of behavioral problems. What they discovered was increased evidence of "emotional arousal" and "decreased responses in regions that govern self-control" when teens played particularly violent, as opposed to merely fast-action, video games. While the research did find short-term effects on the brain, professors admit that further studies are needed to establish a credible link between violent games and actual aggression. As violence levels and virtual realism increase in these games that dominate so much youthful time, more studies are urgently needed. As a parent, one thing's for sure--science doesn't need to find further proof that, when it comes to my kids' entertainment, caution is the name of the game.

This study only shows one thing in reference to AAFES. These Mature-Rated video games sold by AAFES requires more attention when being sold to minors. AAFES should incorporate policies that protect minors from purchasing these games. This study clearly shows that video games should be taken seriously. It also clearly should mean to AAFES that AAFES has responsibility for what it sells and who it sells them to.

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